Employee Spotlight – Devon Riley

Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tell me about your current role at Yale University.          
I am a Diversity Support Specialist, which means I have the most incredible job ever. I get to support both WorkLife and the Affinity groups. My wife and I usually speak about our jobs and she’s always jealous of just how much fun and impactful my job is on the day to day.  
Would you share some of your military experience and transition to the private sector? 
Transitioning to the private sector from active duty has been an excellent challenge. While serving our country, it helped align my passions and future goals/plans all into one. My training and experiences in the Airforce showed me that helping and serving unique communities is something I am strongly passionate about.   
How does your military experience impact your position at Yale? 
My military experience has had a good amount of impact on my career at Yale. I’ve been taught to look out for those in my unit. In the office of ODI, I look out for my coworkers, and they look out for me too. I do my best to be a team player, but I also try to help them to accomplish the goals of ODI and add some of my uniqueness to the mix. Working to support our Worklife & Family in addition to, our Office of Diversity & Inclusion, having the background of integrating into any place or space I find myself in while serving the people I am around, truly bridging my two experiences. 
Could you discuss some intangible skills that veterans like yourself bring to an organization? 
Curiosity, excellence in all you do, and integrity. I am always curious about what’s next for me and what else I can learn. How far can I go in my career? I know perfection isn’t always obtainable, but I will aim for excellence in everything I try to engage in. I blend my curiosity in learning with striving to be excellent. Finally, integrity will always be number one for me. I will always seek to do the right thing while no one is looking. I find integrity gets you far. 
What do you think about the Yale Veterans Network? 
YVN is excellent in feeling the void some veterans get when they leave the service. You have someone who understands a part of your life and story. You might remove the uniform and leave the service but never honestly go. I will always be an airman. AIM HIGH! FLY! FIGHT! WIN! 
Is there anything else that you’d like to add? 
I want everyone who reads this to know I am glad to be here and excited for myself. In the short amount of time I have been working at Yale. I have met many wonderful people and attended many events, especially those I have been a part of planning. I can’t wait to see where this road of life takes me, and know I am happy and excited. 
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