Employee Spotlight - Reynaldo Trinidad

Photo of Reynaldo Trinidad
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Tell me about your current role at Yale University?
Currently I’m working in the clinical Trials office, under the GU team. We work on Cancer research and work very closely with some of the top cancer research doctors in the United States! 
What are your main responsibilities?
Quite a few. My main responsibility is patient scheduling. I make sure that each patient is scheduled correctly according to their research study. I make sure to call them and remind them of any appointments they have coming up, where they have to go, and answer any questions they might have. My team is also in charge of data management, making sure the right data gets put into the right system, while also making sure that some data remains off the system, such as data that would violate HIPPA. 
What do you like most about your work?
I like the flexibility mostly. At the beginning of the day, I usually know what has to be taken care of immediately. I like being able to prioritize my own work, and make sure that I get the work in before it’s due. I also like that I’m able to work as an individual, but knowing that I have a team to back me up, should I have any questions or issues.
How does your job affect your general lifestyle?
I’m thankful that I have a job that I can leave “at work” when I’m done working. I can very easily switch back to my home life without issue, and the reverse is true. I can switch back to my work mode pretty easily as soon as work begins. It’s important to me to have a good work / life balance. The hybrid work system really helped me bridge that gap. 
How did you begin your career?
Funny enough, my partner was a patient at Yale New Haven Hospital. Once we decided to move to Milford, she suggested that I apply to Yale. I thought it was a good idea, and I saw they were hiring in the research department. My last job had been research related, and I had done research at school. I was excited to apply, and even more excited when I got hired! 
What steps would you recommend one take to prepare to enter this field?
Honestly, just have a strong foundation in basic computer skills, and then just go for it and apply. Most of the training is done on the job. It’s a very unique experience, and you can’t really prepare for it. As long as you are dedicated and willing to learn, if you really think you want to do it, go for it and apply! 
What skills, abilities, and personal attributes are essential to success in your job/this field?
Patience is key! There is a lot to learn, a lot of questions to ask, and a lot of questions that you don’t even know you need to ask! You need to have a lot of patience and be able to work with people. Also, good time management skills. If you can’t work on a certain task because you’re waiting on someone else, find a different task to chip away at. That, and a positive attitude, goes a long way! 
If you could do it all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? If not, what would you change?
I would choose the same path! I’m generally very happy, and I consider myself very fortunate! With everything that is going on in the world, I certainly feel like I’ve achieved a lot to be in the position I am now. And I also know that if things had been different, I may not have been as lucky or as happy as I am now! 
What does YVN mean to you and how have you contributed as a member of the Steering Committee?
Though I am still new with the Veterans group, I know the importance of having a good strong network, full of people who’ve gone through the same experiences as you. There is a sense of trust knowing that the people you are surrounded by, have had some of the toughest, and most hardworking experiences that a person can have!  I’m proud of the time I served, and proud to be surrounded by those who served as well! 
Tell me a little about your military experience.
I joined the Connecticut National Guard back in 2013. Since graduating, I was assigned to work at the 192nd MP BN up in Niantic Connecticut! I loved it there, and I learned so much! But I had to choose if I wanted to stay in the army, or pursue my passion of science and education. I decided to work in the research field, but I carry my experiences with me wherever I go! 
Thank you again for your time and thank you again for having me! 
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