A Call For Volunteers

A Call For Volunteers Illustration.
Our Yale Veterans Network is looking for volunteers to serve on one of the following committees. If interested, please email us yvn@yale.edu.
Alpha Team - Affiliate Networking: Responsible for connecting and supporting military spouses and dependents. (Tamika Hollis & Vacant)
Bravo Team - Professional Development: Responsible for identifying educational opportunities and helping to create a forum for YVN. There is a strong link to recruitment and retention opportunities within this subcommittee. (2 Vacancies)
Charlie Team - Communications & Marketing: Responsible for working with ODI to create communications and timelines. (Violeta Ware & Vacant)
Delta Team - Community Outreach: Responsible for creating relationships with external organizations who have a focus on the advancement of veterans. (2 Vacancies)
Echo Team - Networking: Responsible for identifying veterans on campus and creating forums for vets and allies to come together regularly. (2 Vacancies)