
Community News

May 25, 2018
Jennifer DeGaetano is a U.S Army Active Duty veteran that served in Fort Hood 2001-2003, as a Truck Driver, Army Reservist Postal Clerk, OIF Deployment Bagdad, Iraq, 2004-...
April 25, 2018
In an effort to recruit and attract veterans to work at Yale University, Yale’s HR Staffing department partnered with the School of Medicine’s Yale Center For...
April 25, 2018
Art Berube is a U.S. Army combat Veteran who served in Vietnam. Like many Veterans, upon returning to civilian life, Art realized that his military experience changed the way...
April 25, 2018
I want to take this opportunity to thank Kim Raseman and Angela Maria Malerba for inviting me to share the some of the works published in “Visions of War: Dreams of Peace”...

YVN News

April 25, 2018
My job as Veteran & Military Liaison, like many positions at Yale, allows me to interact with a wide variety of people.  I recently became aware of how differently...
April 25, 2018
In 2015 the Congress and the President of the USA enacted a law called the Veterans Identification Card Act. As of November of 2017, Veterans have been able to apply for a...
April 25, 2018
• Tell us about your current role at Yale University? I edit Yale Medicine Magazine, and do social media work for the medical school.    • Would you share some of your...