
Community News

November 8, 2017
As we prepare for Veterans Day, to be marked by a ceremony at Beinecke Memorial Plaza this Friday, 10-NOV, 1230 PM, I am reminded of the “Empty Table” set at two events I was...
November 8, 2017
Vincent Abner is a U.S. Army Veteran who served from 1974-1980. He joined the service with the intention of having a long military career. His career was cut short when he...
November 6, 2017
Featured recently on PBS’s THE VIETNAM WAR, we asked our guest columnist, Joan Furey, RN, MA, to expand on her military experience and perspective as Co-Editor of...
October 13, 2017
John Henningson enlisted into the Army just ahead of the inevitable draft in 1968. In John’s words, he was “a reluctant warrior”, but saw no personally acceptable alternative...

YVN News

November 7, 2017
Rick Lawson, MPH ‘16 USAR 2002-2006, OIF II Tell me about your current role at Yale University? After completing my Master in Public Health from the Yale School of Public...
November 3, 2017
My son came from Geneva to visit with me a couple of weeks ago which prompted me into thinking of traditions and legacies concerning military service in my family.  My father...
October 12, 2017
Ken Burns’ documentary on the war in Vietnam has caused some brouhahas in some of my email lists.  Those on the right say it’s typically biased because it’s broadcast on PBS...